What is Snowflake: The cloud data platform

From Data Warehouse to Data Cloud Over the past years Snowflake has developed a core differentiated cloud native architecture. Snowflake started as a cloud data warehouse in 2014, and in 2020 they announced the data cloud, which is the culmination of more than 6 years of work and a sign of everything that is yet […]
Google to open a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in cybersecurity in Spain

Google will continue to nurture the technology fabric it created in Malaga Tech giant Google has announced its intention to invest more than 540 million euros over five years in Spain, including the installation of a “Centre of Excellence” in cybersecurity in a 2,500 m2 former military government building in Malaga, Spain, although a start […]
Europe’s performance in the Open Data Maturity Report 2020

How does Europe rate in the Open Data Maturity Report? The Open Data Maturity 2020 Report is the European Data Portal’s annual benchmarking study on open data developments in Europe. It evaluates the level of open data maturity for EU Member States and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which includes Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. […]
What does Microsoft’s largest datacenter look like? Find out what’s inside in this video-tour

Find out where Microsoft Azure data is stored Brad Smith, President of Microsoft, gives a tour of Microsoft’s massive datacenter in Quincy, Washington, where the company runs its cloud operations. He starts by saying: “The view may be generic but this is actually one of my favorite places in the world”. He may be right, […]
Churn: can we predict the loss of clients?

Behavioural analysis and prediction of customer churn Would it be possible to predict when our customers will leave us? Predicting the behaviour of our clients by studying customer churn is one of the areas to which companies devote most attention and resources. If we know how a client is going to act and, more importantly, […]
Artificial Intelligence in the public sector, a pending task

Has AI been implemented in the public sector? Interest in Artificial Intelligence and its applications is growing, but is not reflected in public administration. 80% of the public sector is interested in AI but only 33% use it, according to a study by Ernst & Young for Microsoft, which shows the low penetration of this […]
Let’s talk about data visualization

Do you use data analysis in your business? Within the data we collect there is important knowledge that can help us drive our business forward. But the data itself is not very useful, the analysis we make of it is what makes the difference. That’s why visualising data comes into play, which is nothing more […]
Our first Codemotion and from home
Our first Codemotion and from home OpenSistemas participated today in the first day of Codemotion 2020 as a Silver sponsor. We veterans of the IT world know that Codemotion is synonymous with quality. No wonder: this edition has three tracks that will cover topics as diverse as chatbot, design thinking, deep fakes, augmented reality and […]
Dashboards for data visualization, explained in a simple way

What are dashboards for data visualization like? We tell you in simple terms
Big data visualization: the importance of how to represent data

big data visualization is essential to get the most out of your data, here’s why