Harnessing the power of data
Data has become a core part of business, providing the ability to analyse the past, to gain new insights, but also to predict and plan for the future.
AI-based Big Data and Analytics technologies enable you to apply the full power of the cloud to erase data silos, extract business insights, make your organisation more competitive and grow without limits.

It Is Not Data Warehouse
Data warehousing has democratised organisational data by centralising it in a single platform and providing business analysts with data visualisation and exploitation tools such as PowerBI or others.
Organisations have used data warehousing to store and integrate data collected from internal sources (usually transactional databases), including marketing, sales, production and finance.
If an organisation is capturing large amounts of data from more and more sources internal and external to the organisation such as online services, even from IoT devices, a Modern Data Warehouse will not suffice either.
The current changes are forcing organisations to easily access data, exploit it, generate live reports and gain key insights for business improvement. If the organisation wants to grow based on its business data, it needs an Intelligent Data Lake.
What does it solve?

What benefits does it offer?
- Cost-effective data warehousing, due to its cloud approach.
- Support for creating models, whether to classify elements or predict trends, beyond just reporting.
- Easy scalability, as it is natively designed for this.
- Unified security management.
- Less time and effort with administration tasks
- Simplified scheme and data governance.
- Reduced redundancy and data movement.
- Direct access to data for analysis tools.